Hi! I'm April.
I'm a natural light photographer based out of Asheville, North Carolina. My work is heavily influenced by my love for simplicity, authenticity and the natural world. An idealist at heart, my hope is that in capturing the little moments that can so easily go unnoticed, my photographs will reveal the innate goodness, truth and beauty that can be found in our lives if only we have eyes to see it.
Some fun facts about me:
I'm an enneagram 9w1, I spend most of my days with bare feet and I never leave home without a book. I love poetry and libraries are one of my favorite places in the world. I've been skydiving in New Zealand, surfing in Australia, backpacking in Italy, busking in Turkey, hitchhiking in Zanzibar and camping in Iceland. Before embracing photography as a career, I spent my days as a kindergarten and preschool teacher. When I'm not making pictures, you can find me hanging out with my husband, homeschooling our 2 boys, gardening, reading, running, facilitating Circle of Security Parenting groups (a deep passion of mine that I love to share with the families I photograph) and being outside as much as possible.